There must be hundreds of spool holders you can make yourself! We tried a half-dozen of them before giving up. Some only worked for a single spool width or spool size. Others broke after about a week. Still others were complicated to make and required bearings that had to be perfectly adjusted to work.
So we set out to design a spool holder with the following characteristics:
1. Must work with 99% of spool sizes and widths.
2. Must be reliable for 24/7 use.
3. Must have low rolling resistance.
4. Must look cool.
5. Must be easy to assemble.
The result is an acrylic spool holder with bearings that fits in perfectly with the design of our all acrylic enclosures and can take a beating while holding the heavy 2.5Kg spools we use in production. Nothing to wear out, nothing to adjust, just a simple rod on bearings holding up a spool of filament.
One problem we've had with some cheap filament providers is the filament spools don't have enough of a lip to hold the filament on the spool when it's completely full. To combat that we just designed a filament guide that hooks onto the sides of the spool holder and keeps the filament just where it needs to be.

Comes with all of the 1/4” acrylic, the spool, and all required screws and nuts.
Installation Manual
STL for End Cap
STL for Rod
STL for Filament Guide